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YSS Kids Club Offers Open Houses

YSS Kids Club is raising awareness for the “Lights On Afterschool” campaign during the month of October with a series of open house events.

Lights On Afterschool is a national initiative to highlight the importance of afterschool programs. According to research by the Council for a Strong America, between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. are the peak hours in which youth are most at risk of getting in trouble with the law.

As part of YSS’s focus on prevention and early education, YSS Kids Club sites will be part of 8,000+ events across the nation to celebrate Lights On Afterschool.

YSS Kids Club offers before/afterschool and summer care for children in grades K-6. The program is also available during days with early outs, late starts, and no school, including winter and spring breaks. Fees are based on a sliding scale. Through grant support, YSS offers tuition scholarships to families in need.

The program provides not only a safe environment for children, but one in which they are challenged to learn new concepts, build relationships, engage in a variety of activities, and give back to their communities through service learning.

“It provides a safe and fun environment for both my boys to create, play, and learn,” said a YSS Kids Club parent. “As a dual physician family, we would not be able to care for our patients if we did not have the option of Kids Club to care for our children.”

“Kids Club is immensely important to my family. I am a full-time working, single mother of a young boy. My son is always welcomed and encouraged, has made great friends, and has learned life skills in empathy and cooperation. I, in turn, have peace of mind that my son is in a safe and nurturing place while I am finishing work or attending meetings,” said another YSS Kids Club parent.

Make plans to attend one or more of the following events:

Boone Open House
Monday, Oct. 17, 5:30-7 p.m.
Page Elementary
102 S Boone St., Boone, IA

Roland-Story Open House
Thursday, Oct. 20, 5-6:30 p.m.
Roland-Story Elementary
900 Hillcrest Dr., Story City, IA

Gilbert Open House
Tuesday, Oct. 25, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Gilbert Intermediate
103 Mathews Dr., Gilbert, IA

Madrid Open House
Tuesday, Oct. 25, 5-6:30 p.m.
Madrid Elementary
213W First St., Madrid, IA

United Open House
Thursday, Oct. 27, 5-6:30 p.m.
United Community School
1284 U Ave., Boone, IA

Ballard West Open House
Friday, Oct. 28, 5-7 p.m.
Ballard West Elementary
105 E Main St., Slater, IA

Learn more about YSS Kids Club.

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