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Jaz’s Story: How Residential Treatment Changed Her Life

Jaz was born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa and when Jaz was in high school, she had an inpatient stay at Iowa Lutheran Hospital. During that stay, one of the girls in her group therapy brought up Ember Recovery.

“I remember being very nervous going into it initially,” Jaz says. She admits to feeling unsure about Ember, since she only knew of the depictions in movies and shows of what rehabilitation facilities can be like. However, quickly her opinion changed, “It just felt very welcoming, the girls were super nice right away. Everyone was always there to support you.”

Through her treatment, Jaz realized she didn’t need substances to deal with or process what she was going through at the time. She says sticking with the program showed her that she has hobbies, and she can have fun in a healthy way.

“I was in a really bad place,” says Jaz. “I don’t think I would’ve graduated high school if it wasn’t for Ember Recovery. I had started doing bad in school and failing a lot of my classes, and at the time I didn’t really care. I am so thankful to Ember that I had that time for clarity.”

During her time at Ember, Jaz graduated a semester early from high school. After graduating, she worked for the remaining semester. Jaz continued her education by enrolling in nursing school and is set to graduate and receive her RN in December, “School has always been a hobby of mine, so I’m glad I got to find it again with Ember.”

Jaz continues to use coping mechanisms that she was recommended while at Ember and keeps herself busy with healthy activities. She says that keeping an open mind and listening to her parents helped her through her recovery process.

“I think that hearing everyone else’s stories when I was in that position made me feel less like an outcast. Your life can turn around and it’s never too late.”

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