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Angela’s Story

After being removed from her biological mother in third grade, Angela bounced between six foster homes before she was placed at YSS Francis Lauer’s child welfare emergency shelter in 2017.

Angela and family

Angela, Brittany, Alli, and Jake the day before Liz and Alekk came to stay

While at the shelter, Angela met Brittany, a YSS staff member. The two bonded as Angela benefited from therapy, medication management, and behavioral health intervention services.

Brittany benefited from the connection, too. Seeing first-hand the need for caring foster families, she and her husband, Jake, decided to become foster parents.

After completing the 10-week foster parent course, Brittany and Jake welcomed Angela into their home. YSS Francis Lauer continued to provide outpatient therapy as  worked through her past trauma.

In April 2019, Brittany and Jake adopted Angela, making her an official member of their family. A few months later, they became a family of four when they adopted Angela’s sister, Alli.

Celebrating their first Christmas under the same roof was a joyous event. However, there was more in store for this fast-growing family. As they sat around the Christmas tree, Brittany received a call from Liz, a former foster-niece, needing a safe place to stay.

Inviting Liz, along with her 6-month-old son, Alekk, into their home was a no-brainer. With the help of YSS Francis Lauer supportive services, Liz got back on track. She obtained her driver’s license, found employment, and learned parenting skills—all with the encouragement of her new support circle.

Today Brittany, Jake, Angela, Alli, Liz, and Alekk are all happy and looking toward a bright future.

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